There is a new article on their website, aimed at youngsters but just what they need:-
How Can I Lose Weight? | Young People Ask (
it would appear that circuit overseers (no dos these days i guess) are taken off at 70 years old.
even older ones in bethels are disposed (sorry 're-assigned to the field) of before they get too past it.. how come though the old boys on the gb aren't shown the door at 70 and replaced by younger men - obviously of the recently anointed type?
they don't look a particularly fit bunch so they can't claim special mightiness because of doing 'the lord's work'.
There is a new article on their website, aimed at youngsters but just what they need:-
How Can I Lose Weight? | Young People Ask (
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
I just checked last year's report and note that I downloaded it on 29th December 2021. So maybe tomorrow.
saw new video watchtower put out.
they gonna open new school for overseers.
they gonna train this men too be "loving, wise and accept they don't know everything".
I likewise could only find Lloyd Evans video. However, it appears from that video this is a course for "Bethel Overseers" (I thought that position had been scrapped years ago!) and the content of his video seems to confirm it's not for congregation overseers but for Bethel departments.
I used to go on courses like that when I was working, a few days away in a posh hotel watching yet another bunch of PowerPoint presentations. Let's face it the WT Society is just another business.
....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
As kramer points out, this is the total number of immigrants and is no indication of illegal immigration.
I don't care if they are legal or illegal immigrants. I just don't want the UK population to keep expanding. We have an NHS system that is unable to cope, we have traffic congestion, power shortages, lack of dentists, the list goes on. Whenever I see crime reports I notice that the names of the criminals are usually unpronounceable!!
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
Those crazy Swedes wouldn't have stood a chance'What about the Norwegians?
for sure you will never hear the national anthem of heaven below.
do you know others?.
What turned you off at 30 second mark, the exuberance of the choir or the lyrics?
Yes, it was the exuberance of the choir. It just reminded me of an old Kenny Everett sketch which was a parody of Baptist choirs.
No offence intended whatever.
for sure you will never hear the national anthem of heaven below.
do you know others?.
No. I didn't quite manage the 30 second mark but thank God we don't have this in our KH.
Probably goes down better in certain Baptist churches in the US.
my favorites.
Rocking around the Christmas tree - Mel & Kim
(316) Mel & Kim - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - YouTube
Don't know how to insert video, sorry. (Evidently I do!)
well well am3 made it to norweigian media with hsi rant about religouse persecution.. hereis the link.. share your thoughts.. ble nektet statstøtte: jehovas vitner vurderer juridiske skritt – vårt land ( .
Yes it's always been that way in the UK. I think now the registrar observes the ceremony and then ensures the couple & witnesses sign the wedding registry.
Not any more, a local brother is appointed as the registrar and completes the register. There are certain administrative requirements such as the registration documents need to be kept in a safe, the "special ink" is used (£15 small bottle) but it has been that way in the UK for many years. I have been married over 50 years and it was that way even then.
well well am3 made it to norweigian media with hsi rant about religouse persecution.. hereis the link.. share your thoughts.. ble nektet statstøtte: jehovas vitner vurderer juridiske skritt – vårt land ( .
They would miss having the right to perform weddings, I imagine...?
I doubt it. This is how it used to be in the UK years ago. The wedding was conducted at the KH and then the couple went to the Registrar's Office for the legal part, or as often happened at our KH, the Registrar came along to the KH, sat through the service and then did the signing of the register. We always had the same Registrar, she was a very pleasant lady and attended many JW marriages. She appears on many of our KH wedding photos, the only thing she insisted was that the register was covered for the photos.